Facing foreclosure can be scary, and the weight of knowing you may have to vacate your home can feel like too much to bear. That is why there are legal professionals out there, who are well-versed in these types of situations, who can provide relief where there was otherwise panic. Your lawyer can evaluate your circumstances and let you know how you can fight against a home foreclosure, which may include:

  • Loan principal reduction
  • Reduction or change in interest rate of loan
  • Reduction or elimination of penalties or late fees for non-payment
  • Reduction in monthly payments
  • Forbearance (temporarily halt or extend timeframe for payments)

The goal of foreclosure is to show that the bank doesn’t have the right to enforce a foreclosure on your home. Your lawyer’s strategy will aim to identify and take advantage of systematic flaws, such as unethical or illegal actions inflicted by lenders. Your lawyer will be aware of the fact that sometimes courts make decisions that are more beneficial to banks than the people, but that is not always the case. With help from a seasoned lawyer, compared to battling it all on your own without legal know-how, you will have the best chances at keeping your home.

When it comes to foreclosure, scrutinizing a lender’s shady or unlawful practices has shown to be one of the more successful approaches, but it may not be the best strategy in all cases. After a consultation, your lawyer can determine your options and offer counsel on what can be done to help keep you remain in your home. 

Don’t battle a foreclosure alone. Consider reaching out to a Foreclosure Lawyer, such as a professional at Marty Martin Bankruptcy Law as quickly as possible.