Motor vehicle accidents can leave you in a bind. You may have gotten injured and now have to deal with the rising expenses associated with treatment. Your car may be totaled, and perhaps you owed more on it than you got. Thank goodness the crash wasn’t your fault. The other driver’s insurance should kick in. While this is the basic premise, what happens if you get in an accident with someone who doesn’t have insurance? Familiarize yourself with these three tips on handling an accident with an uninsured motorist.
- Collect Information at the Scene
After an auto accident, one of the first things you should do is exchange personal information with the other party. This may be the time you find out that the other driver does not have auto insurance. Regardless, get the other person’s driver’s license and their vehicle information. Take photographs of the scene and both vehicles. If there are witnesses, implore them to give up their number so that your insurance will determine fault accurately. If you are not at-fault in a situation where the other driver does not have coverage, your insurance will not penalize you for the claim. It will then be up to the insurance company to decide to file a lawsuit against the liable individual.
- Don’t Agree To Take Cash Payment Instead of Filing a Claim
Once you find out the other driver is uninsured, you may fear that you are in trouble. The other driver may also be afraid that they will get a ticket for not having the requisite insurance. They may offer to pay you upfront for the damages at the scene, or they might suggest taking your car to a shop for repairs they pay for. As tempting as this may be in this situation, it is still best to file a claim. Failing to do so may negate your benefits, and if you wind up with an underlying injury that needs attention or if your car is beyond repair, you may not get any compensation from the insurance company.
- Getting in an Accident in a No-Fault State
Some states are known as “no-fault” when it comes to accidents. This means that there does not have to be a determination of liability and that each driver goes through their own insurance company for repairs. However, this does not mean you can’t file a lawsuit against the other driver for pain, suffering and damage after an accident. It does make it simpler, however, when dealing with an uninsured motorist since every claim is through your plan.
If all else fails, consider hiring a car accident attorney who may be able to offer assistance when it comes to dealing with an uninsured motorist.